JavaScript Framework fairy support js
Binding DOM to single component field

Single bind

Let's change src/js/components/sample/controller.js, src/js/components/sample/view.html

export class Sample {

    constructor() {

    sample_input(event) {
        this.obj.textContent =;

<div data-text='v.key1'></div>
<div data-sample-obj="obj"></div>
<div><input type="text" data-sample-name="sample"></div>

We created a tag with data-sample-obj attribute in view.html.
When you run and enter a value in the text field on the screen, the value you entered is outputted in the tag with data-sample-obj="obj".
This framework automatically binds the tag with the data-{component name}-obj attribute in the view.html to the field of the class of controller.js corresponding to the view.html.
this.obj in controller.js will be the object of the tag with data-{component name}-obj="obj".
Unlike the data-{component name}-name attribute, the data-{component name}-obj attribute cannot be specified multiple times by separating them with commas.

Multiple bind

Let's change src/js/components/sample/controller.js, src/js/components/sample/view.html

export class Sample {

    constructor() {

    sample_input(event) {
        for (const item of this.list.values()) {
            item.textContent =;
        This is exactly the same
        this.list.forEach((item) => {
            item.textContent =;

<div data-text='v.key1'></div>
<div data-sample-list="list"></div>
<div data-sample-list="list"></div>
<div><input type="text" data-sample-name="sample"></div>

I created a tag with the data-sample-list attribute in view.html.
When you run and enter a value in the text field on the screen, the value you entered is outputted in the tag with data-sample-list="list".
This framework automatically binds the tag with the data-{component name}-list attribute value in the web page to the field of the class of the controller.js.
The difference from data-{component name}-obj is that data-{component name}-obj is unique value on the screen, but data-{component name}-list is not unique values ​​on the screen.
To get the object with data-{component name}-list in js, execute the values ​​method and process it one by one using for.
Alternatively, you can use the forEach method and pass a function as an argument for processing.
Unlike the data-{component name}-name attribute, the data-{component name}-list attribute cannot be specified multiple times separated by commas.

Pre-processing and post-processing when bind

Same as module, you can define pre-processing and post-processing when binded by beforeBindObj, afterBindObj, beforeBindList, afterBindList method.

Pre-processing and post-processing when unbind

Same as module, beforeRemoveObj, afterRemoveObj, beforeRemoveList, afterRemoveList methods can be used to define pre-processing and post-processing when the connection is unbind.

Delete process

Exactly the same as module. See module.

Replacement process

Exactly the same as module. See module.

Next page Single component initial processing

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